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Six Steps to Book Marketing - How to build awareness of your novel and increase sales

So you've written a novel, published on an internet-based retailer platform like Amazon, iBook, Kobo, and now you need to get the word out? Well Dorothy, the best thing you can do right now, is jump into the digital marketing funnel! It's going to carry you and your novel far. Here's how.

Step 1: Exposure- Let people know about your book through SEO, Ads, Word of Mouth, Groups, Posts, Tweets, Launches, Facebook Posts, signings, podcasts, interviews, a street team re-tweeting, re-posting, etc.
Step 2: Discovery- Once you get their eyes on your novel promotion, you need to get potential readers to come closer and get more information. This requires a link to click through, a sample to read, a video of you reading aloud, a landing page, a pre-order link, an author interview, and a newsletter sign-up.

Step 3: Consideration- Get your potential reader to think about purchasing, offer a discount, a deal, a freebee, a promise, have ratings, testimonials, reviews, awards, favourable comparisons to other books, gifts.

Step 4: Conversion- The reader buys your book! Whoo hoo. Congratulations!

Step 5: Customer Relationship- Now you have to keep that relationship, get them to sign-up so you can contact them: write an alternative ending, share news on the books, upcoming series updates, show pictures, get fan competitions going, give rewards, gifts, themed give-aways, get to know them, ask for feedback on upcoming novels.

Step 6: Retention- Write a good book. It has to be good. If it is, they'll come back for another. Make sure the end of your novel has links to the next one, offer a free novel, short story or novelette. Never publish a bad book, make your name synonymous with your genre, with your niche, with the story you deliver, over and over, consistently.

That's the summary. Easy to say, overwhelming to do.  Let's start with a simple step: Exposure. That will be the topic of my next blog posting "Six Steps to Book Marketing".


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